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Plantation-harvest cycle: 105 days

Unique red variety. Sweet taste with a crunchy internal structure. Very short storage. Weight is 2 to 2.5 kg. Shelf life is 0/5. The bearing is semi-compact. The variety is early. The plantation-harvest cycle is 105 days. The type of crop is open field.

Glossary of diseases

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Order in 3 clicks!

Minimum Quantity :500 Seeds
Above, please enter a multiple of the minimum

The unit price varies according to the quantity chosen.


18,6 €


31,25 €


297,7 €

3. Total

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Comment VOLTZ Maraîchage sélectionne ses semences ?

How does VOLTZ Maraîchage select its seeds?

Since 1998, we have chosen to go organic. We offer more than 600 organic varieties. We are uncompromising about the quality and traceability of all our products. To ensure your production, we have developed a unique quality standard. Our seeds are subject to strict control and approval procedures in our laboratory.

Other varieties of cabbage pointed cabus recommended for you .

Plantation-harvest cycle: 65-70 in spring, 160 in autumn



Plantation-harvest cycle: 65-70 in spring, 160 in autumn

Cabbage, pointed cabbage CHANA F1 : a quality blue apple
CHANA F1 is a variety of pointed cabbage of good quality. Its apple, bluish in colour, is compact and well filled to the top. It weighs between 0.8 and 1 kg. CHANA F1 is adapted to the fresh market.

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Variety for spring-summer production.
Not very sensitive to shattering.

15% immediate discount until 31/01/2025 by entering the code PROMO15 at the time of payment!

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Plantation-harvest cycle: 60-75 in spring
170 in autumn


Plantation-harvest cycle: 60-75 in spring 170 in autumn

Not very sensitive to seed rising. For cultivation in the south of France. The weight is 0.8 to 1.3 kg. The plantation-harvest cycle is 60-75 in spring. 170 in autumn days.

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Plantation-harvest cycle: 65-70 in spring
160 in autumn


Plantation-harvest cycle: 65-70 in spring 160 in autumn

Traditional spring variety, early, long apple. Smooth, light green leaves. Weight is 1 to 2 kg. Shelf life is 0/5. The cycle plantation-harvest is of 60-75 in spring. 170 in autumn days. The type of crop is open field.

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